Sunday 17 June 2012

Kata Tjuta to Curtin Springs

The day started when Charlie saw the reddy/brown coloured mounds of The Olgas (Kata Tjuta) and said “Daddy that looks like big chunks of poo!”
After we’d stopped laughing, we did the “Valley of the Winds” walk which (you guessed it) was a few kms walk into the valley and also “Walpa Gorge” which was another short one (although Charlie didn’t have the legs for it after the first).
Apparently Kata Tjuta is traditionally a “men’s place” so Samuel was very keen that Ella be respectful and quiet (he thought THAT was pretty funny.) It’s amazing when you all do shut up for awhile how a place like that can move you.
Our next stop was a free camp at Curtin Springs Homestead. We pulled up late afternoon, set up camp and noticed an emu roaming around the campsite! After collecting firewood from the side of the road (and the Homestead’s light aircraft doing a fly by to make sure we weren’t trespassing), we made our first campfire – NOW we are doing the Aussie outback thing! Snags and steak with baked spuds from the coals and obviously there were toasted marshmallows to follow as the sun went down...

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