Wednesday 29 August 2012

Crossing the Nullabor

We get to the Balladonia Roadhouse and somehow we've chosen a roadhouse with a big screen TV (all the better to watch Pies v Eagles on...)

Next day's drive is about 6hrs to Eucla, the roadkill is just awful, one long stretch has a dead kangaroo at least every 100m. Interesting to note about 3 RFDS emergency airstrips within the Eyre Highway we are on. We stop at the Caiguna blowhole....inland? it is a hole in the rocks leading to a cave system which has cold air blowing out of it. We amuse ourselves for awhile throwing leaves down it and watching them float up again...

Leaving Eucla we check out the ruins of the old telegraph station (1877) and the huge sand hills. Samuel's boogie board is our toboggan and we have great fun racing down them. They are a sight to behold.

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