Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Monkey Mia

Drove the 25kms to Monkey Mia from Denham just in time to race down to the water’s edge for the second dolphin feed. Most people have wandered off from the first one so there aren’t many here. I could sit here all day (in fact I nearly have) and watch these creatures in their natural environment, it’s v exciting spotting them coming in to shore. They are quite moving to see, and I get a feeling of calmness just being near them.

The most consistent one is “Nicky” so called as she has several nicks in her dorsal fin from a shark attack. Ella gets chosen to feed her and she has a huge smile on her face, as this was her top place to visit on her “wish list” for this trip. She is so interested that she spends time taking notes about the various dolphins from the info board.

Mark also gets picked out to feed (must be the colourful t-shirts they are wearing...) and (luckily) he takes Samuel with him.

We spend the arvo on the beach, dolphin spotting, having a little swim and trying not to step on the sting ray, blue swimmer crab and sea slugs in a few metres of water. Hired a 2 seater glass bottom “boat” for 1/2hr which we take the kids for a spin in and see a turtle in the seagrass.

Somehow ended up having dinner at the “Monkey Bar” where the Pies v Swans was on TV (at least they had 80s music on the jukebox) and Pies won luckily!

Next morn we had one more quick look at the dolphin feed (lots of people this time as main one of the day) and Ella and Samuel were both chosen together to feed! (some people have all the luck). Charlie was a bit over the whole dolphin thing by this stage, happier to look for shells.

1 comment:

  1. what an experience! kids will remember that forever :)
