Monday 2 July 2012

Litchfield and Wangi Falls

Arrived at Wangi Falls camp area about 11.45am, but still too late for a site! (our set off time after breaky, pack up etc of 8.45am is about the best we can do, 3 kids don’t forget and no alarms, this is a holiday after all) Oh, that and spending time on the side of the road collecting firewood and a “perfect” didgeridoo log (already hollowed out by termites and looks like bloodwood). Am thinking this will be Mark’s project to tune out for a bit!

We set up camp a few k’s down the road at Litchfield Safari Camp which is a funny little place. It has shipping containers as outbuildings and the little above ground pool has a couple of milk crates as the ladder!
Went back to Wangi Falls and had a lovely swim across the swimming hole to the waterfall. Shallow in some spots but most out of the kids’ depth. Really enjoying it until we spotted a king brown snake on a rock about 10m away – gulp! Luckily it headed the other way and after having a little swim it disappeared into a cave, kind of ruined the ambience a little! We did a treetop walk about a km around the falls. Got to the top but think trees may have grown as couldn’t see anything, nice to be walking through rainforest anyhow. Back to camp for a round of ice-creams and a green chicken curry (no damper tonight).

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