Monday 9 July 2012

Timber Creek

Managed to locate Macfarlane Primary School in Katherine and took a photo of Ella in front of the sign to show her classmates. Had a massage in Katherine, so no more references to back pain! Drove to Timber Creek after that and stayed in the picturesque campground amongst the beautiful tall trees. Down the embankment and on the little walkway bridge over the creek is where the staff feed the freshwater crocs that live in the river. Was great to watch them jump up for the meat. Ella spotted a turtle coming up for a feed, and the whistling kites would swoop down from the overhanging trees to catch their share mid-air. A random event that made our overnight camp really memorable. Mark & Samuel stayed til the end and the last croc thought he would have a little snap at Samuel’s toes. The man feeding them said he had never seen that happen before!

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